Wednesday, October 31, 2007
11:36 PM
Our first halloween party, how excited is that! even it's only 3 of us, the witches of the night, rini, stephanie and me. all dressed up in black, steph and i got our bag of treats from candy empire after work. then it's straight to rini's house, where we hit for an unexpected thrill ride up the lift. when the lift reached 2nd floor, surprising the house was all dark and before i could ask rini why, the freakish MONSTER showed up and scared the hell out of us! it's rini's little sister with a terrifying mask. -_-" well..that pretty much gets everything going. we got our food, bit pot of soup, honey glazed chicken, onion bread, pot of tea and some fries and fried chicken with custard puffs courtesy of rini's mum. =)
Halloween Feast.
we were hoping for more Caucasian kids will be dressed up in costumes and trick-or-treating but it's quite quiet. so it's just us making a lot of noise, eating a lot of food and taking a lot of pictures. it's funny how we try to take photos that looks like we're witches flying, fully make use of the pool area, but quit after many failed attempts. i had fun and we all agreed to do this again next year, hopefully with more friends and proper costumes!
our plate of treats. where are those trick-or-treaters? ;)
when the sun sets, the witches come out and play. we're missing some brooms and a few black cats! ^^
we are not desperate housewives wannabe!
gotta love my phone for its little tricks. (:
yups! the 3 amigos still standing. =D

Happy Halloween! =)

every day is a new day ♥
Sunday, October 14, 2007
9:37 PM
i want to get all addicted with exercise all over again, that's why steph and i took the first step on saturday. after being non-active for more than, at least 6 months, we are back on the familiar track with the usual surrounding. stretching, running, sweating, chatting, messing around.....i miss that route. let's see how we did after 'hibernating' for so long, 35 minutes of consistent running. heh! ;) steph was a little lethargic at first, while i was all pumped up by the cooling fresh air, but towards the end, she's back with her usual speed with the sun rising. on the contrary, i was dying with blazing hot sun on my face, i hate that. anyway, i just hope that we can keep that up. =D
steph, how i wish our path could look like this, instead of that big stinky canal. hees. just keep dreaming sunshine......
fast forward to dinner time, eat out with papa, mummy and ah di. gerald goh, where art thou? hope you eat and sleep well like we do, you must be dying to have some home-cooked meal like these:
curry fish head? kang kong? kou lou yok? [please don't try to cook kou lou yok there, won't want you to be slaughtered because of religion offence. but i guess no one will touch you, if anyone there believes in chinese zodiac. LOLS. xp]
well..when you come back, we're gonna have a BIG feast, really! as BIGGGG as ME! you must be damn happy now right?! bitch... -.-" HAHAHA! [don't worry, it's just the way we communicate. ;)]
anyway, nothing much for the week, but next week, kbox with colleagues, steamboat for janice's big 20! can't wait. i'm outta here. (:
every day is a new day ♥
Sunday, October 7, 2007
9:38 PM
it's the sunday night, i pretty much sleep and slack the whole day after much eating, exercising (weird huh? ;D), partying and fooling around for the past 2 days. managed to wake up @ 11am to watch my hana yori dango 2! finally they're here, hope it's as good as the first one to keep me company every sat night. here's the real deal, i had another blast this week, i'm a happy girl. =)
Friday, 5th Oct'07
i found more victims and she's none other than our ace-J princess, amelia ong and my brother. but hey, they volunteered, what can i say? ;p and cherie darling, don't worry k, when we're doing things that we do and going places that we go, you're right there in our minds, cos' we're constantly talking about you and missing you. (: ok this week, we had more a more proper and decent dinner, udon with gyoza + the famous lil'ONG sichuan spicy & sour soup which i named after melia. HAHA. knocked off from work and met them at cold storage to shop for whatever we need, fruit juice, udon noodle, noodle sauce, soup, frozen gyoza, crab sticks and spicy popcorn chicken and straight home for the cooking.
these people,
bought all these food,
and walk home together. =)
first course: lil'ONG soup, so let's see, my bro helped her with the can opening, i helped with the pot, ladle and fire. so melia was in-charged of stirring and dividing it equally into 4 bowls. good job amelia! ;) and i'm sincere ok, jan and i are happy that you join us in the shopping of ingredients and cooking. for all of you who don't know her well, amelia ong don't cook for just anyone, just people she loved. am i right? =p
it really taste better than it looks.

after the tasty soup, it's jan and my turn to do the cooking. she fried the gyoza and i cooked the udon noodles. next, it's the soup base. actually it's nothing much, everything's ready-made, all we did is just heating them up. i chopped up some crab sticks and spring onions and WALA! 4 bowls of yummy hot udon with a plate of gyoza, dinner's ready! my thick-skinned bro was supposed to go out, but insisted that he wanted wait for the food, but he helped and kept us entertained with his xiao ming, so give the boy some credit AND food. hoho! x) everything taste great, no kidding! we should do this more often, janice has decided that every friday should be ace-J hang out nights. i'll be more than happy to see those 2, having "home-cooked" dinner with me every friday. as long as i don't miss my ghost whisperer, HA HA.
pics are deceiving, but they really don't lie that much. so you can trust me when i say, it looks good and taste amazing. =D
Saturday, 6th Oct'07
tennis in the morning! you know what? i've noticed that i always blog about my tennis session on saturday, but never really show any pictures of it, just pictures of the lunch we had after tennis. so this week, evidents! full 3 hours of tennis without any disturbance but quite a bit of breaks, probably because of the lack of sleep, but hey i still ran, sweat and played for 2 hours .
after tennis, we had lunch at one of toa payoh hawker centre, because we need to pick up food from anthony's dad. why? because we're having a BBQ at night before loo leave for his 2 months beijing attachment on monday. so we shopped for all the necessities, thankfully we had wham to drive us around and letting us to organise the BBQ at his home, and ant's dad for preparing the food in such a short notice. THANKS ALL. (:
at wham BIG house, we are welcome by his 4 cute chihuahuas, and not to mention a lot of mosquitoes. LOLS. anyway, a lot of cutting, chopping, spreading, breaking, stirring and stuff like that in the kitchen. we didn't have to start the fire early because wham's pit is gas-oriented. so there's like chicken wings, hot dogs, xiang chang, stingrays, fishballs, mushrooms, corns, potatoes and crab sticks with our ribena and rini's home-made grass jelly desserts, not forgetting the chips and koropoks. so now, let's get the party started! dive in the pool, eat the food, play with the dogs, take some photos, watch some tv and fool around.
bev, recognise these babies? can you believe steph's still scare of them? hees. ;p
but she still want to take this pic for you. heh heh!
the natural thing to do, prepare the food.
and when the owner's not looking, try to bbq his dog. that's unnatural and just ungrateful! LOLS. xD
these people party hard.
that's why they need lots to replenish.
the 3 amigos left. (:
to all the peeps overseas, we will definitely have another party when you guys come back, it's a promise. so just sit back and laugh at all the silly fun we had now. ;)
just a lil' sweet treat for loo.
smile for the peeps! it has WE MISS YOU written all over it.
photo of the night: our version of mr paris hilton. aaron says, "who's the gooood dog?" HAA!
tml i need to wake up early to take bus to work, my bro's back to school. good night, sweet dreams.
every day is a new day ♥