Tuesday, July 31, 2007
11:36 PM
the big TWO caught up with me.
ok i know this is a long overdue entry, but i just want to be dated on 31st july just for my own pleasure, hees. so it's my 20th B I R TH D A Y. well..how should i put it? this year it feels a little different, a few people missing here and there, and unexpected people and ways of celebration. this is how different it is: i worked till 8 plus, rushed to down for my 3rd time of eating jap food that week, i cut my low-fat cake (or is it calories?) at a kopitiam, and cake laying down flat on its side, & etc.
ace-J tradition. it should be kept this way for at least another million years. ;)
all and all, i'm grateful for my friends, be it birthday or not. so i want to thank YOU guys, whoever is reading this and smiling secretly to yourself, YOU who post sweet testimonials on my friendster, YOU who sent me touching smses to my phone, YOU who called me, YOU who sent me card and presents, YOU who sang me birthday song and even YOU who pranked at the strike of 12. for those who forgot, i forgive you cos' i've forgotten one too many birthdays. LOLS.
i love you guys. =)
we are happily, retarded-looking nosy-parkers that we will continue to butt into each other's lives for another million years too.
it's our first birthday celebration. cheers! x)
saw my cake? it's SPECIAL i tell you.
saw my smile? i'm truly happy. (:
so i've been working in a bank for almost a month, and OT almost everyday, it's exhausting yes. but i'm learning stuff that i'm totally ignorant about and getting used to "stepping into the society" life. at the same time, i need to earn some cash for school next year, if i even get in eh.. hees. i just miss hanging with my friends that's all. and my blog will be less active, so be nice and don't bug me k. that should be all for now, i'll tell you when something interesting actually happen ya.
every day is a new day ♥
Saturday, July 7, 2007
7:00 AM
7.7.07 Today, newspapers claimed that 777 couples are getting married because it's said that today, is one of the most auspicious day. attended alvin and geraldine's wedding at Laguna National Golf and Country Club. couldn't be more excited and happy for them, not only because it's the first wedding dinner of my own but also because they're such a blissful newlyweds. with all our blessings to them. highlights of the wedding:
*ex-colleagues, all dressed up and smiley. some you're happy to see, and some you just ignore.
*sweet video of the couples re-enact scenes of how they first met and got together till the day they became one.
*familiar face on tv, Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, Dr Lee Boon Yang attended their wedding.
*what else? food and photo-taking. (:
after wedding party, cab down to reine's house [In a nutshell: stop at wrong bus stops twice a day, once in bus, once in cab. missed one stop in the morning, alight one stop earlier at night. both times my destination is the same bus stop. -_-''] kind whammy picked me up at the bus stop and allowed us to pay unexpected visit to 4 cute chihuahuas at home. never thought chihuahua have different looks, tonight i learn to love them. ;) saw the girls who came back from different parts of the world and the boys with their signature army look, plus a few well missed familiar faces. this is a reunion that we should keep as a 4/1 tradition. =)
7.7.07 Today, LIVE EARTH, the concerts for a climate is crisis. [Facts: 24-hour concert showcase, over 7 continents - New York, London, Johannesburg, Rio De Janeiro, Shanghai, Tokyo, Sydney, Hamburg. binding more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people for this global
SOS.] i believe this is one of the most meaningful and coolest event give a big shout out to the rest of the world. it doesn't have to made cool or initiated by your favourite celebrity idol to do your part in protecting the world in the first place, but i guess it's more impactful this way. and this concert definitely mark the attention of everyone because it's affecting us so much.
they're playing short commercials of celebrities teaching us, how to save energy, electricity and etc. however, the best part for me are those creative short films. catch the concerts, photos, short films and all the juicy bits at http://www.liveearth.msn.com.
some history_
ngee ann polytechnic dinner and dance, hence this whole week is dedicated for shopping, shoes, accessories, clothes. the only things i hate about attending for events like that, is dressing up and getting prepared until the so-called big day arrives. so poor lissa spend days accompanying hunting for the things i want in town, but i do need to spend more time with her before she leave for australia. back to the d&d, thanks angel for doing my hair and make-up. at park royal hotel, some highlight:
`interesting food; green shark fin soup, doesn't taste bad though. others are fine.
`everyone from different schools, some interesting dressing, everyone looks great.
`entertainment, beatboxing was really cool and unexpected guest, maia lee.
chances like these is almost impossible, our first d&d. School of ICT, Business, Engineering. ;)
proud ICTians, my champs of glamour that night.

my bowl of green shark fin soup, what i meant by interesting food.
after dinner, clubbing at MOS, kind ah pok sent us there. shock some people with our glam glam. x) clubbing with 4-inches high heels, BIG MISTAKE i tell you. dance until can barely stand on your feet. saw some distant familiar faces there. i had a blast with my girls, and hours of painful fun. lols. thanks aaron for sending us home, my sore feet can't be more thankful enough. =p
meet the girls.
heels is definitely O U T, bev will know what i mean.
sending lissa off, 9:00pm is her flight, reached Changi airport at 7. loo, anthony, joshua, hantu, steph, rini & sis were all there. not a big crowd, but a caring ones. lissa is the 2nd person i've to send off this year, to overseas for a period of time. we spent as much time possible before she left, including crashing her house with stay over. don't worry, we'll be here when you come back. i know you will study hard sa, so take good care of your health, beep me anytime with msn, email or any other device eh.. =) will miss ya!
dinner at Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits for the first time, haven't had fried chickens for a long time since i don't fancy KFC much. hees. really shiok! the mash potatoes, coleslaw, chickens, -
yum yum! ;)
more pictures coming up soon
every day is a new day ♥