Monday, June 18, 2007
2:49 AM
on this day, i officially graduated from ngee ann polytechnic. =) an expected mixture of emotions, sad because you're leaving all your friends and tutors whom you've bonded closely for the past 3 years, happy because you have finally completed your poly studies and got the piece of paper, called diploma, which you've worked your butt off for the past 3 years.

as usual i surprised a few people with a short haircut i got on monday, HAHA! christine said i'm psychotic, always mess around with my hair. xD but i kind of like to do that, or else i would either be too bored with heavy long hair, or frustrated with too-long-to-style short hair. hees. talking about my short hair, something funny happened. guys are supposed to wear ties right, and i was there sitting on my seat, when suddenly some SDAR stuff came closer and closer, he kept looking at me like he want to take a closer and clearer look or something. then when i look at him, he back off then i realise, he must have thought that i'm a guy without a tie but couldn't confirm. LOLS. that's quite funny actually, no offence taken. x) anyway, it's good to see my classmates again, although it's has been ages since we have to meet in school at 8:00 am! -_-"
done and done. all the late night projects and tanks of midnight oil we've burnt. we did it! :)
my unforgettable class. _M02_
my doting ojiisan and obaachan, jeremy and saleha. i'm the most blessed ah ger eh.. =)
the soccer-loving bunch. [jianda, adam, ivan, callen]
the troublemakers of the class that we're ever so worried for and proud of. HAA. xD [adam, callen and bun]
my daddy, heri. =)
my nanny, guo qing. always so helpful, thank YOU!
daddy and ex-stepmother, simon. [yups, this family is more than complicated. =p]
obaachan and our ever so crazy and loyal maria, ivan. hees!
xiaobai and mr future millionaire, junjie and yong jia.
my favourite latest picture with baby. we've got each other's back. ;)
so this how graduation ceremony goes, go through some briefing to know all the procedure, which is simply just, walk, stand, shake hands, smile, keep walking and then follow and do exactly whatever people in front of you are doing, and nothing could go wrong. ;) then it's photo taking time, i didn't even touch the reception buffet! well, anyway the graduation robe is really big and it's really hot to wear, everybody's just sweating away. but nobody would take it out until the photos are done taken, at least that's what i did. hees.
L-E-E-H-O-N-G. (=
fellow student councilors, cool people.
poly life will never be the same without them. let just say they are special and leave it as that. ;)
all and all, it's a joyous event, everybody had fun. except i had ugly sore eye and for the accident when i dropped my digi camera and it cannot take any pictures now! >.< sent for repair and hope for the best folks.
father's day, celebrated with yummy homemade steamboat feast, invited ah gong, aunts, uncles and cousin over to enjoy this sumptuous course. mummy is the best! GOH HUI LING, although you're not here, we got a representative for you, BKM. haha! ah gong even asked where were you, hees.

as usual, xiao ming is not part of the plan, all stupid ah di's idea. -.-"

-happy ending.
every day is a new day ♥
Sunday, June 10, 2007
11:37 PM
ACE-J; "cos she's leaving on a jet plane.."
amelia said i took too long to update, low efficiency. well, because i don't want to miss out any interesting details and people, or type too much meaningless crap. my short term memory will make me forget everything, so i must write down everything. haa! oh well..i don't force people to read my blog, so waiting is the only option. ;) but i must admit too much words in my entries make blogging a drag, so cut it short.
finally got to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, with someone i promised first which is stephanie lo xueni! no matter who asked me, no matter how tempted i was, i kept my promise steph, even that means i have to see orlando bloom and johnny depp later! so love me more! =D was great, a little long but a lot of interesting twists and hilarious scenes, particular the one where johnny depp screamed unexpectedly when he faces davy jones tentacles! HAHA. after which we had dinner at bev's house, pasta with sausages + fries prepared by her maid. yups! that's the dinner for us! ;D has been ages since i last saw her. she's another one i need to catch up with after cherie, she's flying to australia soon.
[photo from beverly @]
i can't believe this it, i've watched the same movie twice, but not consecutively 2 days in a row. but yup, i watched the 2hr and 50 mins pirates 3 again with cherie and janice. but it's cherie and janice, so NO complains! (: i still laughed at the jokes and watched the whole show, except i got bugged occasionally by cherie and janice who don't understand some parts just like steph! -.-" and this time i stayed through the credits, and watched the final ending clip of Will, Elizabeth and their son. sweet..
met amelia to have yoshinoya for dinner, cherie's going to texas so she want to have all the asian food she could get. moving on, party world! nothing like an overdue ace-j karaoke session. had lots of singing, shouting, snacking, cam-whoring, laughing, was fun! i hope she takes away these memories with her to america. (=
overnight at the Dai's residence. you won't believe the luxurious supper cherie's parents had prepared. cup noodles with slices of abalone and bird's nest. -
yum yum! the Dai family are prepared to sleep on the plane as the flight is more than 10 hours, so that means no sleeping. so we watched tv, played with cherie's cute doggy, Dori, took pictures, made fun of amelia, ate supper and survived the night. headed to the airport at 5 plus, and bid our final goodbye to our darling. don't cry, we'll see you in 20 months, just be safe and happy k!
blessan joined us for BK breakfast, she's just so funny and energetic. remind me a more westernized version of jasmin, should arrange them to meet someday. ;p
this is specially for
GERALD GOH. because on this day, we went toa payoh for family dinner and guess what we had? stingray, kang kong, chicken wings, hokkien prawn mee and sugar cane. i know you must be missing those food, so i specially brought the digi cam to take these photos. oh..i'm such a good sister! -
wahaha! and i bought my new k800i, new number by the way, changed to 93368002. (=
happy day! because it's a shopping day! first, went to steph's house, wait for her to play in the pool, supposedly swimming -_-", then head to malls. needed to get a proper white sleeved top and black pants for graduation next wednesday. steph and i got great bargains! 2 tops for $59 @ G2000 and i found my mango black pants for a discounted price of $55, i tried at marina square but they didn't have the right size but i got it at wisma isetan. lucky me. :D and of course steph found her beloved tim tam, so it's just our shopping bags and happy us. :) GSS is sucking me dry though. =p
that's about it for the week. (=
every day is a new day ♥
Sunday, June 3, 2007
11:32 PM
what a week! it's like i can't enough of this candy-coated life, tiring but rewarding. (: straight to the outing,
celebrating, eating, drinking, chatting, updating, singing, indulging......29.05.07[Tue]
nothing like a good old underwater trip, 3M02 style. always full of fun, surprises, laughter and not to mention much frustration and annoyance! only saleha will know exactly what i'm talking about. HA! xD just one last good gathering before the boys head for army eh. supposed to meet at 12+ at harbourfront mrt, as usual our punctuality 'disease' [it happens so often, that you can barely call it a problem anymore. and that's 3M02 for ya! =D] we were like an hour late? plus a lot of dilly dally nonsense, the people who came: heri, bun, simon, jem, jj, guo qing, adam, callen, ivan, jianda, michael and of course saleha and me, with yong jia joining us for dinner much later.

we were planning a surprise for the birthday 'boy' [ah gong arh..hardly a boy liao la. 87 and going strong! haha.] and that is for him to dive in and swim with the fishes, and last minute they told us he can't cos' he's not 21 yet. what are you talking about?! he's 87 for goodness sake, contradicting world. x) so heri took his place, and it was hilarious at some point, like when fishes nimble on his hair as if it was feeding time, and we all go crazy with our hand signs when he almost step on some poor sharks. LOLS.
rock on daddy! i would be dead terrified if i were you, look at the size of the fishes there! O.o
heri is a filial son after all, pose with the birthday ojiisan. =) [you're looking a little flat though.]
what else did we see? peacocks, huge sea turtles, gigantic fishes, playful rays, chubby dugong, nemo, dory, beautiful seahorses, jellyfish, sea angels, crabby crabs, dolphins @ dolphin lagoon and an overwhelming specie called human. (: i guess it's holiday season at the other side of earth.
what else happened? dinner at harbourfront food court, chit chat at vivo but before all these, LOADS of ridiculous stuff happened! sweat like cows, walked 30 mins endlessly to a dead end, took hot and packed tram, heri went missing, heri found and injured! i just can't stop complaining when i'm out with them, they make me become a nagging old woman. i really do appreciate you being there baby. ;)
3M02, you can hate them, complain about them, scream at them but you can't don't love them. :) [photo from jeremy @]
met cherie and janice for starbucks coffee @ marina square. i just want to spend as much time possible before that girl leave for america. (: so here we are.
then is moving on to meet my ex-colleagues from T-EST. when i first knew them from work, i was waiting for my 'O's results, now i'm a poly graduate. another group of cool people i've known while working, told you i am lucky. =) so it's buffet dinner at yuki yaki, the food is quite nice, nothing like some grilling, steamboat and sushi. we had a big group too, david, chin loon, edmund, johnson, marcus, boon chai, minghui, alvin, jennifer, emily, christine, huimin, clarise, and lifen. phew~ finally, our good old kbox till morning 'tradition'. HAHA. used to do that, but now all old and exhausted from work. so let's go work out soon guys. hees.
ladies. (:
all together now.
another failed attempt to watch blades of glory, despite having pirates and shrek, the tickets are still sold out. i guess i'll see it on hbo someday. this time was with the botak army beng being jonathan, haha! and chris, huiyi, danny, boo, cheng liang, janice, shui sheng and yu ting. we had pizza hut, [indulgence and good food AGAIN?! yea......] no pictures. ;)
my long awaited with my beloved trombone warriors, jojo and charmaine. it was raining heavily, but we still met, can't postpone no more, twice is enough. hees. treat my darlings to Azabusabo, i know i had it last week, but this time different company and different food. when 3 'kpo' senior and juniors come together, yups! we chat and chat and MORE chat. guess where we went next? starbucks again for me? -.-" seriously, i'm tiny bit proud of my weight and size from the horrendous way i'm eating. HAA! anyway, love my jo and char very much, can't wait for our next outing. =)
[photo from jojo @]
fish & co. dinner @ the glass house, cool place but the freezing temperature can make your teeth chatter. so lesson learnt, bring a jacket, cardigan, shawl, anything. the portion is just way too big, luckily there's ah pok to the rescue. along with yong jia, edward, shank, lionel, si peng, dan and my dearest L-E-E-H-O-N-G.[sorry lee hong, it's just a habit. lols!] celebrated lionel and ah pok birthday together, so they have to stand on the chairs, wear some funky hats and have everybody on the entire second floor to sing happy birthday song. i think i sang the birthday song for 3 times, for other birthday people there, it was a lot of fun.
it's just fishy business. ;D
the birthday couple. i mean brothers! birthday brothers eh..
this is another 'farewell' dinner for the guys going to army. well, good luck to all of them, may they become REAL MEN when they come out. hees. (=
i told you this week is crazy! met up with a lot of big groups, ate a lot of good food, spent a lot of money. i'm glad this is the final and last part of my "MET.UPDATED.EMBRACED" entry, i don't think my wallet and weighing machine can take any more of that. posting long entries is really time consuming and tiring, i'm mentally drained now. i'm
outta here.
every day is a new day ♥